
Managing Hybrid Enterprises

Managing Hybrid Enterprises – Heart Cafe Case Study

Managing Hybrid Enterprises is a guidebook drawing on research insights about hybrid organisations. It is for practitioners in the non-profit sector considering how to diversify their funding base or for those wanting to start up a social enterprise.

The guidebook is the product of a research partnership between UTS and Wayside Chapel. It brings together the results of academic research into ‘best practice’ for hybrid organisations and Wayside Chapel’s experience in establishing its first social enterprise, the Heart Café.

This booklet takes you through basic explainers and highlights key questions to enrich your understanding about hybrids and how to create and manage one. By definition hybrids can combine many different purposes and operate across various sectors. This guidebook focuses on those that combine social and financial purposes and that are  operating in the social sector. If you want to dig deeper or more broadly, leading academic articles are signposted throughout.


This guidebook is a collaborative product between University of Technology Sydney researchers Drs Melissa EdwardsDanielle Logue and Gillian McAllister and Wayside Chapel‘s Head of Innovation Strategy & Social Impact, Lee Cooper.

This project is sponsored by Thirdlink – Investing with social purpose.

We acknowledge the generous inputs from Wayside staff and researchers at the Centre for Business and Social Innovation at UTS.