Words from the streets of Kings Cross and Bondi Beach

About Jon Owen

I am the Pastor and CEO of Wayside Chapel. I write with my heart wide open and my eyes looking at life. I am a philosopher, a dreamer, a tower of weakness, a leader and a follower, a husband and a father and I hope to give you a flavour of life by the wayside.

The Weight of a Soul

Dear Inner Circle, Life often swings between the profane and the profound, presenting us with moments of levity amidst the gravest of times. I recall

Note to Self

Dear Inner Circle,It’s worth coming to Wayside just to experience the goodwill at the front desks of our Community Service Centres. Here, you will witness

The Spirit That Hovers

Dear Inner Circle, In 2007 we packed up our entire lives, including two toddlers into our Tarago to move from Melbourne to Sydney. We had

Smoothed By Tides

Dear Inner Circle  Yesterday a small group came together to scatter the ashes of a precious member of the Wayside Chapel community in Bondi. His

Echoes From The Alleyway

Dear Inner Circle, In our old neighbourhood, my wife Lisa and I once took in a bright young man, with life in his eyes and

Taking Time for Renewal

Dear Inner Circle, Human existence is fundamentally interpersonal. Human beings are not isolated, free-floating objects but rather, subjects entangled in perpetual, multiple, shifting relationships —

No Carpenters

Dear Inner Circle, No sooner had I neared the entrance of Wayside than I was besieged with requests, but one stood distinct from the rest.

Running Races & Sharing Spaces

Dear Inner Circle, First, a moment of pure, heartfelt gratitude for you. As the seasons change and we’re emerging from the excitement of the City2Surf

Heroes Without Headlines

Dear Inner Circle, The week began with loud cheers as the chapel buzzed with excitement, cheering our Matildas to victory, amidst a sea of green