
Information for Solicitors, Executors and Trustees

On this page you will find information for including Wayside Chapel in your client’s Will, suggested wording, estate administration and a quick information section with our key details.

Quick Information

Legal Name:UCA – Wayside Chapel  

ABN:77 406 918 553 

Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) by the Australian Taxation Office 

Charity Tax Concessions (TCC) by the Australian Taxation Office 

A Charity with the Australian Charities and Non-for-profits Commission (ACNC) 

Our  Gift in Wills booklet  contains more information about how to include a gift in your client’s Will. This is information that you can pass onto your client.  You can fill in the contact form  to request a paper copy. 

Information for Including Wayside Chapel In Your Client’s Will

  • If you’re helping someone to include a gift to Wayside Chapel in their Will, it is important that Wayside Chapel is clearly identified in the wording of your Will. 
  • If a client would like to direct their gift to a specific purpose or area at Wayside Chapel, please suggest your client contact us first. To ensure best use of the gift, it is hoped that the donor will have discussed their intentions with the Key Relationships Manager (or other official) before writing the specific intentions into the Will. This is to ensure their wishes can be honoured. 
  • Wayside Chapel is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) by the Australian Taxation Office. 
  • Advise us of the gift if possible. We would like to thank your client in their lifetime, and invite them to join us for regular events, updates and tours. It is our way of saying thank you and showing our valued donors how their legacy will make a difference in the future. 

Suggested Wording for Wills

I give, free of all duties and taxes to UCA – Wayside Chapel as operator of a PBI (ABN 77 406 918 553).”

(Choose applicable) 

  1. _______ % share of my estate 
  1. A gift of $________ 
  1. _______ % of the residue of my estate 
  1. _______ % of my superannuation (name of superannuation company, account name and account number).  

An authorised receipt given on behalf of UCA – Wayside Chapel as operator of a PBI shall be sufficient discharge to my trustee of executor.” 

*Wayside Chapel is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) by the Australian Taxation Office. 

Estate Administration

Wayside Chapel values every gift we receive. If Wayside Chapel has been named a beneficiary in an estate we would appreciate the following assistance: 

  1. Notify us. Please contact our Key Relationships Manager at your earliest convenience to notify what gift has been bequeathed to Wayside Chapel. Wayside Chapel may request that certain assets, such as investment properties or shares, be dealt with in a particular manner to reduce tax liabilities. It also allows us to plan for the future gift and maximise the impact of their donation. 
  2. Tell us about your client and their next-of-kin. We would like to thank remaining family and friends, and appropriately honour the person’s wishes and memory. 
  3. Send us the following documentation as they become available:
    1. Copy of Will, and any codicil 
    2. Grant of Probate 
    3. Statement of Assets and Liabilities 
    4. Statement of distribution 
    5. On completion, a copy of the Estate Accounts 

Distribution of Gift

Once the estate has been finalised and is ready for distribution please make cheques payable to Wayside Chapel and post to: 

Wayside Chapel 
PO Box 66, Potts Point, NSW, 1335 

We welcome interim distributions from estates. 

For more information or a confidential discussion please contact: 

Samantha Meisner-Lemon, Key Relationships Manager at Wayside Chapel
0452 337 963
[email protected]

I'm here to help

Samantha Meisner-Lemon

Key Relationships Manager
[email protected]
0452 337 963

Gift in Will