

Dear Inner Circle,

Those opening three words call us back to what matters, speaking to the intimacy that is shared between us. It’s lovely to read these words of connection in an email — it is quite another to see them written by hand in a card. Noticing the smudges and scratches from a pen, knowing another human has touched the paper brings a new level of depth.

There is a card-making group that gathers here weekly where cards of all kinds are made. It is a group that the founder began while working in a women’s prison. The cards they made there were often written to children who were sorely missed, to lovers who were pined for, to connections that were craved especially as Christmas approached. It is appropriate that the song “Making Gravy” by Paul Kelly played on the radio today as we turn the corner towards the end of the year.

This week a card was handmade for one of our volunteers to celebrate her silently clocking up her 1,000th hour of volunteering. For years she has caught the train up to Sydney from over an hour and half south. If you sat next to her, you wouldn’t realise you were sitting next to a real-life superhero, unless of course you caught a glimpse of her smile, bright enough to light up the darkest room. She pours her heart into every interaction and fusses over the little details in every request for clothing or food. This does not go unnoticed, and she beamed as she was presented with her card which read,
“because of you I feel loved, and through that I have the power to create change.”

Cards are made here all of the time, some for unrequited love, some for love lost and some just plain old looking for love. This week an apology card was meticulously crafted, replete with decorations and glitter. “Wow, you must have messed up big time bro, who is it for?” I overheard someone ask. Sheepishly the creator looked over the card, then, quick as flash beamed, “No one yet, it’s for when I need it!”

It never hurts to remember that mistakes will be made, and that a spare glitter card will always come in handy.

You gotta love this place.

Thank you for being part of the Inner Circle,


Rev. Jon Owen
CEO & Pastor
Wayside Chapel

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