
Soapy Hands

Dear Inner Circle,

There’s a window on level one of our building in Kings Cross that overlooks the “Horseshoe”, the semi-circle of seats at the edge of the street out front.

I was sharing a cuppa with one of our community elders, we sat side by side looking out at the people relaxing in the morning sun. “That’s my favourite tv show right there darl’,” she told me. “Better than any soapie. I call it ‘Ways of Our Lives’!”

We clinked mugs and shared a silent laugh as she expressed just how much love and support she has received in our Mob Space.

I wandered downstairs and observed volunteers greeting with joy and delight everyone who came through the doors. I saw a few of the staff near a familiar face, someone who had recently experienced some heartache. They were huddled around him intensely and it took a moment for me to realise that they were focusing on re-weaving his rat’s tail, that small amount of hair on the back of a shaved head that is left to grow. As I laughed, they joked, if there ever was a reality show we should call it ‘Rat Tail Restorations’.

To be honest, if there were to be a show here, in a place where every act of a love is a move towards someone, towards a soul who usually knows all too well the pain of rejection, abuse and neglect, it would surely be called ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’.

Within a few minutes someone else entered, a little flustered due to the police serving a subpoena to an incorrect address. My friend with the cuppa made her sit down and promptly plonked a fresh cup of tea in front of her. “This is where you are allowed to just have a flap, to get it all out,” she said.

As they both settled in someone else entered in distress, nursing a bruised face. Half-finished cuppas were quickly abandoned as they both leapt to her aid. “That’s what I love about this place. We get to give back, instead of just getting. Now, stop lollygagging Rev, be a love and wash up the cups for us.”

Love does whatever it takes, be it a cup of tea, a listening ear, or a soapy pair of hands.  

Thank you for being part of the Inner Circle,


Rev. Jon Owen
CEO & Pastor
Wayside Chapel

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